What's your Strategic Plan?

This is a follow up to my article on goals: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/what-do-you-really-want-umair-usman/
When starting a business, a workout regiment, or any project for that matter, when starting with a blank sheet. No idea of how to move forward. We try things, we fail, we stumble, we fall and even with advice or a coach, we tend not to be able to attain what we set out to attain.
A big reason for not being able to achieve our goals is because we lack a strategic plan. Now whats a strategic plan? A strategic plan is simply a break down of a list of goals over a period of time. All you need to do is to answer three questions to really set out a strategic plan
-Where are you?
-Where do you wanna go?
-How do you get there?

Example 1: BUSINESS

Say you are starting a coffee trading business, how will you answer these?
-Where are you? Define your objectives, mission, assets, strengths, weaknesses etc. All are necessary to understand know to figure out what can be done
-Where you wanna go? be time-specific eg need to be trading 1000 tonnes profitably within the next year. The goal here and time frame will determine the next plan
-How do you get there? gather finance, vendors, develop sales relationships and so on
A very simple plan 10-year master plan was published by Elon Musk when launching Tesla back in 2006
Build sports car>>Use that money to build an affordable car>>Use that money to build an even more affordable car>>While doing above, also provide zero-emission electric power generation options>>Don't tell anyone.

Example 2: FITNESS

Now if you are starting a fitness routine, the 3 questions become immensely important to you
-Where are you? Your weight, body fat percentage, medical history, sex, age, general fitness all determine what your body can handle and where it can go
-Where do you wanna go? you may want to build muscle mass, become lean, improve endurance, train for balance and athletics. Whatever your goal will determine the next point
-How will you get there? now you will figure out if you really need to join a gym, see a dietician, acquire a new skill or just change your current fitness goal

To Conclude:

Without a basic answer to each of these questions, the probability of success will remain low. Of coursing writing 'it all down will help', but figuring it all out and being mindful about knowing an answer to all these is the first challenge.
Where are you? Where do you wanna go? How will you get there?

Umair Usman is a Rapid Transformational Therapist, a businessperson, and a writer. You can know more about him www.thecognitiveconsultants.com 


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