Freedom (Part1)

Given that its 14th August today (Independence Day of Pakistan), I thought it would be appropriate to make the post about Freedom
One of the biggest reasons for depression today is lack of freedom. This can be actual lack of freedom, e.g not having the finances to live on your own, or perceived freedom e.g can't say no to friends.
Freedom, the ability to make choices/goals and influence ones own life, is one of the most important needs of humankind. In a traditional hierarchy of needs, I would say it increases in importance throughout the pyramid and supports going up the hierarchy as well. Knowing we can have sex when we want, or eat when we want, provides freedom and enhances capacity to move up the pyramid. Here too, the need for self-actualization is essentially related to self-efficacy i.e the ability to influence one's life.
The problem starts when a child feels they cant please their parents no matter how hard they try, or when an employee feels he can't get a promotion no matter what. This can result in demotivation, making poor choices and even depression.
One of the easiest ways to ‘give power and freedom’ in children, employees, etc is by negotiating small goals with them to make them feel included.
The easiest way to feel ‘free’ yourself is to set small goals that can be achieved quickly and easily. Small goals then set us up for bigger, greater things. Things that dreams are made of.

Umair Usman is a Rapid Transformational Therapist, a businessperson, and a writer. You can know more about him here


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