We Fall, Only To Rise Again

Failure is inevitable. I have seen many wonderful and talented people be surprised by failure. No matter how good of a student you are, or how good of a sportsperson you are, you will face failure. You will have a bad day. That is the nature of life.

Those who do not accept it, are ignoring reality. This can have a disastrous effect on people’s stress levels as well as self-worth. High performing individuals equate their self-worth, their purpose, from doing well. The day they fail, and sometimes they go through a prolonged period of failure, they lose self-esteem, confidence and sometimes even the will to continue.

But when we realize that failure is as much a part of life as a success, we can carry on working towards our goals. It is easy to see that even the highest performing athletes, businesspeople, etc have gone through failure. It is they who everyone remembers. In any scenario, we can only control our actions, not the outcome. Therefore we can only try our best in every single situation and that is all it really takes to be a winner again.

In the words of Alfred Pennyworth, from the movie ‘The Dark Knight’ Why do we fall sir? So that we can learn to pick ourselves up

Umair Usman is a Rapid Transformational Therapist, a businessperson, and a writer. You can know more about him here


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