Perfectly Balanced as all things should be

When one looks at high achievers, it is easy to get impressed. Finance CEOs, Athletes, movie stars, they all seem to lead a life where everything is perfect. One can even look at societies with high incomes and living standards with disproportionate levels of depression and wonder, what's going on.

The big difference is that we think we can get happiness out of achievement or any one thing. We tend to think in terms of extremes because the world values achievement more than anything. We tend to tell ourselves

“Only if we exercise 1hr a day and eat healthily, I will be happy”
“Only if I am making a certain amount, I would be happy
And so on

After a while, we look back and see all the things we missed out on. Our health suffers, our relations suffer and sometimes even the very pursuit of perfection in all areas of life burns us out.
The reality is we are not happy by achievement, or health or perfection or even great relationships. We are happy when life is balanced. Our need for achievement, for love, for security, etc all fall in place

We cannot work so much that our relationships suffer, or fall in love with someone madly and forget our career. Lifeworks in a holistic manner and once the scale tips too much on one side, the rest of our life tends to suffer.
Balance is far easier to achieve when we realize that there is no ‘one goal’ to achieve or ‘perfection’ to be attained, rather everything is important. Work stress has to be balanced with relaxation, exercise has to be balanced with off days, our relationships have to balance with our career and so on.
Balance lets us enjoy every aspect of our life and live to the absolute fullest.

Umair Usman is a Rapid Transformational Therapist, a businessperson, and a writer. You can know more about him here 


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