You need to reassure yourself!

Everything we do starts with a question. How will we get that job? how can we start to get fit? how do I grow my company? There are so many questions we have to deal with regularly and often it seems that we have no answers.

This sense of 'not knowing' is a big source of demotivation to get something started in the first place. We get so overwhelmed by the problem, the unknown and the task ahead that we either try to find a short cut, that never works, or we delay our plans further ahead. Days, weeks, months and even years go by before we even take  a step in the right direction.

However the reality is that we do know the answers to many questions, problems and issues we face. They might not be perfect solutions, as one cannot always get a perfect answer to everything, but certainly these answers can help us set foot in the right direction. Let us look at common issues one by one.

How do I lose weight? the answer to this question is not rocket science and not beyond the reach of the mortal human. Everyone knows the very basics even if they are not fitness experts. Everyone knows the value of heating healthy, exercising and being fit.

However, no one is looking to go through the sacrifice, the time, the work. It is not that we DO NOT know how and not even that we cannot do it, we just want that one pill.That one pill that will help us reduce weight without any sacrifice or effort and work its magic immediately.

How do I make more money? everyone knows the methods one has to follow to make money. We can jot down points that we know will lead us into the right direction, however we want that CERTAINTY of wealth and that too quickly. Common sense is that it can take time and the struggle might not pay off, yet we cannot wait and have patience. It is not that we DO NOT know how and not even that we cannot do it, we simply cannot get through the fear of failure or/and wait and wait to find that holy grail or simply give up too soon.

How do I get better grades? everyone knows the basic study habits of successful students. There really is no elixir. The better students spend more time and effort studying and doing their assignments. Going the extra mile. Yes it is painful, but it is not 'lost secret'. Once again, it is not that we DO NOT know how and not even that we cannot do it, it is the need to get quick results, a fear of failure or even perfectionism!!!

The point is that we spend too much time, trying to convince ourselves that there is an easy and less painful way, while times goes by. We already know what needs to be done and we already know it will take time and effort. We also know that we have the capacity. That is all that we need to convince ourselves of and everything else will fall in place.


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