Money, Wealth, Health and Happiness

Everyone truly knows the path to money, health and wealth. There is no secret to it. People have known how to achieve these things since the dawn of time, yet the reason why so many people are searching for the answer is that they are searching for the 'easy answer'.

Everyone is truly out there looking for the shortcut to success, fame, wealth, fitness, weight goals, achievements etc. There truly are people who  get lucky and there truly are ways that can get you to your goals quicker, however the underlying principle is hard work, patience and a general positive attitude.

We have convinced ourselves that there is a short cut and it is somewhere out there. We look for that short cut all our lives, waste years and years looking for it until others, who go through the pain, the hard work and at the same time, have fun, seem to get all the rewards, slowly but surely, beating us to the goal post, over and over again.

Let us look into different areas of life separately and see how we try to find shortcuts in often funny ways. Let us look at studies. I know someone from school who was studying with me. She used to get so depressed before exams that she simply use to stop studying. She used to cry knowing that she can never do it. I am sure we all must have known someone like this in our lives. Perhaps we are that same person.
Let us look at weight loss. We know so many people, who pull up their sleeves and start going for a walk to help them reduce weight, only to pull back from their efforts after 3 months. They do not see immediate results and give up, or they simply pushed themselves so much that they cannot go on.
Let us look at young people trying to start a business. Most small businesses fail and it is truly a dangerous game but so many people start out hoping to become rich quick, without a proper plan or strategy, only to fail and never try again.
We can say the same about a job promotion. Sometimes we hope to get a promotion because we have been with a company for so long, even when perhaps there truly are better people up for it that we do not acknowledge. Other times, we may have been the best person but someone else got the promotion instead. Our self esteem and self worth plummets and we treat it like the end of the world.

We must convince ourselves that we already know the answers, we already have the wisdom, we already know the path. We need to convince ourselves that it is time to pull our sleeves up and get dirty as that is the only secret there is to success. We must convince ourselves that we are not afraid of the hard work that will be required, we are not afraid of the waiting game that it will take, we are not afraid of what others might think and we are definitely not afraid of failing.

We must convince ourselves that everything can be tried and life is all about trying. That alone, is the secret.


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