Hard work can be fun!

Why do we enjoy some things and no others? well, there are two reasons. We like to do things that are easy, but not too easy. This depends not only at the task at hand but also to our own ability to do the task. This is why, if we are good at a board game, but its challenging, we get hooked. It is also the same reason why we like to play sports with someone who can challenge us, but is not so much better  than us that we get frustrated.

If we are able to convince ourselves that the task at hand is easy, in a challenging sort of way, it will become engaging and to some extent fun as well. We can convince ourselves for this kind of thinking for any task. It can be cleaning the dishes, or even talking a walk. Its fun, because its invigoratingly easy! To repeat, it is not about thinking or hoping that something that is hard becomes automatically easy (if that works for you, good enough) but acknowledging that it is tough, yet fun and challenging.

When we say it is easy, we also get away from the perfectionist thinking that makes us give up our healthy diet or our gym routine. Often we cannot be perfect, and we think what is the use. But if we convince ourselves that what we do is fun, invigoratingly fun and that is why we do it, we can do it all the time. We can eat that bowl of fruit, we can go for a walk or even to the gym, no matter how many times we have put it off in the past. It is fun, invigoratingly fun! like playing our favorite sport!

One can use this kind of mentality anywhere, in any part of life. One can use this while getting ready for a speech, a meeting with an important client, perhaps even your own wedding when one may get nervous! whatever the case, convincing yourself that it is tough but fun, can help us get far far ahead of the pact. As you know, I do not like to give set solutions, but anyway you can convince yourself ca be beneficial. You may want to write down a dialogue with your inner self or even talk to a good friend who can help get everything into perspective. Doing anything to convince yourself is the bottom line. No matter how you get there, just get there.

When we start to believe something is fun, we do it for its intrinsic value. We are deeply motivated. It can be studying for university, working for a new business or even simply cleaning your house. When it is easy, but not too easy, we are motivated and it is all FUN!


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