Words of Wisdom and Power

I know every self help, new age book talks about it and therefore I will too. This may only seem as a reminder to many, but reminders too are important.However, where should I start the discussion from? Affirmations, self talk, positive statements, auto suggestion, also, when to say them, how often etc etc etc.In my own country of Pakistan, many believe that we should not say a bad thing, as it might just happen! Superstition aside, words do have power, but which approach to take?

The reason why I started this blog was to help make things clear for a lot of people who see all this information about 'Power of Words' and how they impact us, but every approach that I have tried, has failed me. I tried affirmations, auto suggestions, and even actual CBT with a therapist (which has scientific backing). But the thing is, that for me, knowing about these approaches, and knowing when to use them and how to use them was very valuable, but they all seemed to lose their effectiveness. Affirmation came to a halt, autosuggestion became boring and repetitive and even CBT became tedious and more importantly, redundant once a problem is solved.

As important as all these approaches are and these should be a part of the 'tool kit' I realized that I needed to chose the right tools for the right job and without getting too much into science, I had to know that all I really needed was to 'Convince Myself'! Know, many times, an affirmation could do it, many times even auto suggestion seemed to have helped, even using positive words in a conversation had helped, but it kept on changing, from situation to situation , from problem to problem.

We can go from therapy to therapy, book to book, look up and down. There are a myriad of techniques and we should keep all of them in our toolkit. There is a different tool for a different situation but they revolve around self talk. What we tell ourselves, how we talk to ourselves, about a situation, about a problem and most importantly, what we tell ourselves about ourselves. All of the techniques come down to effective, and positive self talk. I realized after a long time that.......

I just needed to know that there was a way to deal with it and then find that tool or mechanism to convince myself of the belief that I wanted!

I can go through this pain!
I have the capacity to work hard!
I am great, I am powerful, I love myself!
I want to be the best golfer, I HAVE to be the best golfer!
I am calm, I am calm, I really am Calm and have no stress!
Why do I have this thought of me not being good enough to do this? why shouldn't I just give it a try?? I will give it a try!?

Whatever works for you, GO FOR IT! all you have to do is to find a way to convince yourself! and you will never have to be precise about your technique, mechanism etc. You should review them and use them when appropriate, but whatever you do, must MAKE YOU FEEL the power of those words. 

It should feel convincing to you!

Go for it! Just go!


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