Why we should talk to other people

No one wants to talk
No one wants to talk to other people these days. Watssapp, yes, text em, yes, go and talk .....uumm..maybe some other time. It is no secret that we all want to be individuals, self reliant, and happy in our own little bubble. But human beings were not meant to be this way. In fact, having a good social circle and relationships around us is one of the fail safe ways of achieving happiness. Everyone knows this intrinsically, but are just afraid of it. Why?

Bad moments!
In any kind of a relationship, there is the 'good', with the 'bad'. Your best friend may have a fight with you, your loving mom's annoying habit of feeding you cake may drive you mad, or your niece is unbearable when she is nagging to take you to the park, however this is completely normal. The problem is that everyone wants to simply cut out the bad and in doing so simply cut out the person from their life. Not only do they leave out the bad but they leave out the 'good' as well. Usually, the good is far, far greater than the bad.  That is why in almost any field of life one can intuitively note the benefit of relationships, be in business, education, losing weight, recreation and leisure, anything really. 

Natural Therapy!
When one is trying to change their limiting beliefs or actual positive ones, relationships can play a huge role too. When one talks to someone about how they feel about themselves, a good partner, friend or  family member can help us remind our selves that no one is perfect or that failure is a part of the process or that you can eat less tomorrow, or that one lazy day of not hitting the gym doesn't make you a bad person. All truths that we know, but when we hear it from someone we love dearly, it just makes more sense. In the same way, helping out our friends and family can remind us of the fallacies we tell ourselves all day. 

Helping others actually means we can help ourselves. Straightening out a problem, trying to help out a friend with a lay off or failure, can help us get a feeling of achievement and also realize and correct our own limiting beliefs. Isn't that great?! the more we give actually, the more we receive, sounds selfish, but great and true!

Relationships are natural therapy. They keep us resilient, happy, nourished and active. Everything requires hard work, and relationships are no different however the 'return on investment' is surprisingly high.


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