It will not be easy, But you will do it

One of the reason why many flock to therapists, read self help books or go into depression is because they cannot get what they want or life simply did not turn out as they had hoped. They prayed, meditated, wished, kept a positive attitude, yet nothing materialized. Very often, we expect life to be easy and reflect our own mood.

However, every now and then we have to remind ourselves and convince ourselves that life is not meant to be easy. Life is pain, struggle and discomfort, punctuated by moments of happiness and euphoria that make it all worthwhile. Life is about great relationships, with people who matter and yourself.

Life is constant discomfort, be it tackling your willpower, going to the gym, having a difficult conversation or realizing a bitter truth. This is life and there is no need to run away. We have to convince ourselves that we have the capacity, strength, resources and the power to deal with life in the best way possible. We all have the ability to go through failure, disappointment, rejection, pain and struggle and come out thriving.

The best and the oldest metaphor is that of carbon becoming a Diamond, only because of the hammering it takes. Yes, we are not great, we are surely a lump of coal, however it is our struggle, disappointments and falls that make us great.

Keep struggling, keep living, we have it in us.


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