Convincing yourself every morning

Just watched the Tony Robbins Documentary on Netflix called 'I am not your Guru' that chronicles Tony's legendary 'Date with Destiny' Seminar. At the end of the documentary Tony asked everyone that they need to ensure that whatever they take with them from here will stay with them for the rest of their lives and advocated a daily practice. As always, I do not recommend anything, but I do recommend trying an approach and seeing if it works for you.

The Technique:
The take away from the video was that once you know your values, beliefs, eg Love, passion, strength, fearlessness whatever you think is important, whatever quality or belief you want, you need to convince yourself of it. Tony believes that when we put emotion into something and focus on it, it gets embedded into our psychology more (Think surprises or trauma). In the same way, tony wants us to use all our sense and shout, scream, jump, whatever it takes, to make us believe that we are 'Strength' or 'Love' or 'Passion' etc and he wants us to do it everyday.

As per the video, everyone was made to go into groups of four and repeat this to each other and even help each other out. Example, I Tony Robbins, See, Hear, Feel and Know, that I am STRONG!!!

Another technique, to help convince yourself, of whatever you want to convince yourself of.

Looking at how Tony Robbins uses such a technique, we can use it ourselves as well.

1-We can use it in conjunction with other techniques. An example can be after getting off the phone with a friend who helped you out with the problem. If you feel better, you can carry that on to using all your body and sense, to tell yourself whatever it is that you need to believe. Alternatively, one can use this after a great therapy session as well.

2-We can do this for ourselves every morning or every other day. Reminding ourselves how we are worthy of love and are great human beings. A self approval or self love exercise to help boost our energy for the day. This can go a long way in tackling difficult issues.

3-We can also use this technique just before an event. We may be presenting something in front of hundreds of people, or we may be getting ready for a sporting competition. Whatever the case, just reassurance, can help inhibit nervousness and bring out focus and confidence, so we can meet the challenge head on.

Bottom Line:
I do not believe there is a one size fits all technique like self help gurus claim, however I do believe that all techniques revolve around convincing oneself and this is a powerful technique used by the best person in the performance and life coaching business, and therefore I think it must be kept in mind always.


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