The Beauty of distracting yourself

Living in the moment

All of the new age movement seems to be about living in the moment. Be it mindfulness, meditation, deep breathing, everyone tells us the benefits of experiencing the full moment and living in the now. By having our attention directed to what we are doing at the moment, we can fully experience and react to what is happening now. With focus, we are able to deal with threats and opportunities more effectively, be more productive and enjoy ourselves fuller. By accepting a negative feeling, a failure, a mistake, we can move on quicker. Overall living in the moment makes us healthy. Sure.
However..... there are surely times when distraction can help.

Moments of Distraction

Hypnotherapists understand the power of distraction very well. It is not the fact that we live in the moment that gives us mastery over our sense, it is the ability to direct our attention when and where we need it most. Following are examples of situations where distractions help us out.

1-Standing in a que. Ever been in a long line? with nothing to do, long ques can drive us mad. Sure living in the moment can be great, but distracting ourselves with conversation, or planning a chore, texting someone can help relieve the often unbearable waiting times.

2-Going to sleep. We all heard of centering ourselves to help us get calm and go to sleep without any thoughts for the day. Often, it can be difficult. Sometimes distracting ourselves with a nice thought or a sort of day dream can get our minds of the negative loop, help us calm and therefore go to sleep.

3-Anxiety. We have all been anxious before going to give a speech, or an exam or any big life decision. The uncertainty and fear of failure can be crippling however a small distraction in the form of  a joke, a phone call or even a trip to the cooler can help us cope with anxiety and refresh our minds.

4-Pain and discomfort. It is common knowledge about hypnotherapists that distraction can help with pain. This is surely true as we know in our daily lives as well. We often get so absorbed in a conversation or a interesting book that for sometime we can forget about psychical pain and discomfort, As simple as it sounds, is actually a powerful trick when used with intention.

5-Creativity and problem solving. Often we are frustrated with problems and decisions that we cannot take. There are so many factors to consider that we simply do not know the answer. We get distracted or go for a glass of water and suddenly, the answer comes. Similarly, it can be some stimulus (such as something you read or a conversation you have) in that distraction time that helps us find the missing piece in the puzzle and we have the Eureka! moment.


Living in the moment is surely a priceless tool, however it is even better to have mastery over your attention. You can then direct it where you want it, how you want it and when you want it. Distraction is just another tool you can use while trying to live effectively! all you have to do is to convince yourself you can and should be able to distract yourself in certain times and this will come naturally to you.


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