Stories that change life 2

The Beautiful Journey

Jin and Lui were the fiercest fighters at Master Yang's dojo. They had trained at this dojo in a secluded mountain peak since they were both 6 years of age. Being good at Kung Fu had been their sole purpose in life. Now, 20, they both helped glorify the name of Master Yang and his dojo in all the land. However, even though they both were great, there could only ever be one 'Dragon' in all of China, either Jin or Lui.

The competition to become the 'Dragon' was the biggest competition in all of China, held once every 25 years, so every generation has one Dragon. Jin and Lui had been practicing for this their whole life. They had sweated and bled together, went through sleepless nights, broken bones, insults and defeats to be able to enter this competition. All the pain had to pay off now, they both thought.

In the supervision of Master Yang, Jin and Lui went from one level of the competition to the next. Training continuously, perfecting their fight on the way, they were both unstoppable. Master Yang, insisted, that they concentrate on improving and success will follow. He wanted Jin and Lui to love the art form of Kung Fu itself so much that winning was secondary. Together these three eventually ended up at the finals in Beijing and as fate would have it, it was Jin vs Lui at the finals. 

Finally the day arrived when the two 'dojo' brothers would have to face off each other. Master Yang had truly proven himself but was also concerned about his two little masters. He knew one would win and the other would lose, but was unsure of how the loser will take this failure. The referee shouted and the match begun. Almost like a choreographed dance, they both hit each other with everything they had. They knew each other's moves, weaknesses, strengths, which made the whole fight even more challenging.  The match went on for 10 battles, until after a single blow, Jin defeated Lui and became the 'Dragon'. The crowd cheered and lifted Jin on their shoulders as Master Yang remained emotionless. Lui was pulled over for medical attention and spent 2 weeks recovering.

As Lui recovered, his mind went through all the ways he could have won. The right kick or punch would have made the difference for sure and Lui kept on repeating this to himself and beating himself down. Lui was discouraged and didn't really know what to do with his life. Becoming the best at Kung Fu was his dream and now it had been taken away from him. Master Yang kept on visiting him during recovery and asked him to visit his quarters after he is able to get up and walk.

A harsh two weeks later, Lui walked to Master Yang's quarters. Master Yang smiled and sat him down, poured him some tea and started talking to him. What Master Yang spoke next changed Lui's life forever. 

Winning was not the purpose of why you came to the dojo. The purpose was to fall in love with an art form. I didn't teach you to be a winner, but to love Kung Fu and you certainly love Kung Fu. Glory, fame are all good but they are not what life is about. Life is about making the right journey, enjoying it and becoming better as a result of it. This journey taught you that defeat is not the end of the world and winning is not the only purpose or the end either. It is all a journey and this journey gave you a skill, an art form that you love, it gave you 'dojo' brothers. I even taught you basics of fitness and nutrition, meditation, natural sciences, calligraphy and the art of debating!!! This journey has left you a better person, a bigger person and if you can rise and keep going on a journey, your life will always be meaningful. 


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