Stories that Change life III : The Perfect Pottery maker

Mujeeb was a pottery student in the ancient city of Multan back in ancient times, in one of the earliest known settlements in the world. Growing up in one the great pottery making towns of antiquity, Mujeed had always been fascinated by the crafts. The colours, the intricate designs and the tradition of pottery, had all put a huge impression on him since he was a kid. He was taken under apprenticeship by his Uncle, Ustad Mali, one of the most renowned pottery craftsman of the age, at the very young age of 12.

Slowly but surely Mujeeb perfected his skills. He started from learning about the material, ie the earth, water, hay and slowly went up to craft a potting and later on even painting. By the time Mujeeb was 20 years old, he was one of the brightest pottery apprentices in Ustad Malis shop. Mujeeb showed great promise and it was understood that he would grow up to be a master himself. However, Mujeeb wanted more. Mujeeb did not want to be just another pottery craftsman, he wanted to be an Ustad, a master, someone who is renowned in the land.

By the time Mujeeb was 22, his uncle, the Ustad, wanted him to go on and setup his own small shop. He knew he was good enough to be on his own and he himself needed more space in the shop for new apprentices. Mujeeb was reluctant though, he believed he was not good enough yet and wanted to learn more and do more. For the next 3 years Mujeeb tried to perfect his art. He wanted to be able to sell to Lords, and have his pottery presented in Royal Palaces of India, but this never came, even though he was probably one of most talented pottery makers of the time. In frustration Mujeeb raged into a fit and ran away from the shop.

His uncle, being wise and experienced traced him down back to his village home. He found Mujeeb depressed, cutting the fields like everyone else. He called Mujeeb into the house and explained to him
"You are excellent at what you do. Stop trying to be better or be like me. You are excellent at what you do not because everyone likes you or admires you, you are excellent at what you do because you like it and strive to improve. That itself is good enough. Keep growing, keep learning, there is no such things as perfection, no 'end' to what you want to achieve. keep growing, keep achieving, but don't be depressed because you didn't reach a specific goal or feel you are not good enough. You like pottery, you enjoy, so you are perfect"

This is what Mujeeb needed to hear. Mujeeb decided to continue his work, that he liked and loved and continue to be better at it. He eventually opened his own shop and within 10 years, became a renowned Ustad himself! But he kept his focus on his work. He knew there was no such thing as perfection and what was perfect was that he liked what he did


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