Stories that change life


The legend of the magic lamp was very famous around the Baghdad bazaar. Tribesmen, tradesmen, women and children, everyone has heard about the magic lamp buried somewhere in  the desert. Anyone who possessed the magic lamp, would be able to command the genie to do anything they wanted. 

It was rumored that the magnificent palace of Baghdad was built by the genie of the lamp when the Sultan possessed the lamp. The lamp was lost by the Sultan during a battle in Mosul. He searched for it for a 100 days and nights and returned empty handed from that battle. It is believed that the lamp is still buried somewhere in that desert.Many had tried to search for it themselves, wasting away time, money and energy, but never found it.

Ali Shah was just another boy. He used to hawk oil lamps in the Baghdad bazaar and dreamed of one day becoming a rich man, even the Sultan. He too had heard about the magic lamp since he was a child. Ali Shah had to take care of his  mother and baby brother and usually there was little money for luxury. One evening when he came home he noticed his baby brother coughing. Even though it was nothing serious Ali Shah realized that  he needed to have money so at least he could take care of his family.

Ali Shah had heard about an old man in Mosul who knew the way to the magic lamp. It seemed unlikely as otherwise everyone would have known where it was! however Ali Shah was desperate and made his way to Mosul. After a three day journey and spending almost all his savings he eventually reached Mosul. It was raining heavily, very unusual for the desert climate and no one was prepared for it. He asked around for the old man's house and eventually got there. 

Once there Ali shah asked the old man about the magic lamp. He had traveled 3 days to get there, spent everything, and went through a rain storm to get here and was very eager to know the secret. The old man sat him down and told him 

"My son, there is no Magic Lamp, the secret to success is known to everyone. We need to ask ourselves and we can see it. Hard work, perseverance, learning and patience, are just some of the qualities we all know of intuitively, yet we look for the magic lamp. It is knowing the reality we know within ourselves, which acts like the genie of the magic lamp. This was the secret of the Sultan and this what we all have"


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