Best Public Speaker in the World!

I believe in the power of convincing yourself that you can do anything. This alone is the most fundamental belief, the most powerful idea, anyone can have for themselves. It is not about succeeding, as success has luck/chance as a component, but the fact that you will try your very best. No where can this rule be applied more than in Public Speaking.


One of the first times I was to give a presentation I went on to youtube and watched a business guru speak. He was so active on stage, so smooth and so confident. His attitude showed that he was 'damn sure' that everything he said was true. His confidence was idiotically high and inspiring. Of course, his advice was highly regarded and was truly valuable, but he also knew how to 'sell' that advice. It was brilliant.

I watched his videos again and again for a week, practicing my presentation on his behaviour. I emulated him totally. When it came to giving the presentation I was very nervous. Once the presentation was over, someone remarked that I was amazingly confident!

I had just emulated someone and came across as confident myself!! Imagine that

The Technique

The idea is to set yourself up in someone else image. This image can be of you yourself making a great presentation, it can be of someone you know, like a friend or a parent, or it can be some famous personality. The idea is to be able to 'set' their way of giving the presentation into yourself by repetition. 

Once this is repeated over a period of time, it sets into the subconscious. Don't get me wrong, its not magic and takes effort, but the results are astoundingly great. The technique is similar to hypnosis or NLP concepts and is surely something anyone can benefit from.


At work-Giving a presentation in front of someone can be nerve wrecking. Emulating someone from work but being at their meetings, talking to them about their style or imaging yourself in their shoes can go a long way. One may even start thinking like them when faced with a problem ie'what would he do?'

At school-At university we are asked to lead in groups, giving presentations and make arguments. Surely a high level of confidence developed my emulating peers or lectures can play magic

At home-While handling children or even family, one may want to be assertive and emulate their own parent, or a friend who has been successful in a situation. 


It is all about convincing ourselves that we can do it. One of the best ways is to see someone else do it which lets us believe that this is truly possible for ourselves as well. As one of the best and most powerful technique available, I believe you should give it a try in any facet of life. 


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