Role Models: The source of inspiration

Everyone grows up admiring someone. We may admire our father. He seems strong and powerful yet loving. We may admire our teachers in school, who seem to know the answer to everything, we may even admire a cartoon character that we can relate to.

Whatever the case, we all admire people and often aspire to be like them. Even though many believe that having role models means we may be 'fan boyish', 'unoriginal' or 'hero worshiping', I believe role models have a huge role to play in helping us becoming our potential and for many having a role model can be life changing.

Showing Purpose:

One way in which role models can help us is by showing us a purpose in life. As a young kid myself, I was very much inspired by Edison and wanted to be an inventor myself. This never  materialized ofcourse but it set me on to a path where I was curious to discover new things and without a doubt made up who I am today. Even though I did not know Edison, whatever I read about him surely influenced me and my character immensely.

We often hear about how role models influence people by providing them with a positive motive to look up to. These can be anything from being inspired by Social workers and politicians to Sports stars. Whatever the case, a positive role model can provide purpose in any age.


A lot of coaching and therapy these days is about skill building and taking action. However, what steps to take? what skills to develop. One proponent of seeking out role models and replicating them is Tony Robbins himself. Regardless of Tony credentials, as human beings we strive to learn from other, who have gone further along the path that we want to go on as well. Learning from a role models provides us not only a step, but also a map that helps us get around pitfalls and slowdowns and also ready us for potential failures and setbacks. All of this becomes even more powerful if one can be 'mentored' by someone who has already been there.


When things look difficult and times are tough, our role models, mentors, can provide us motivation by reminding us how it was difficult for everyone before us, or how their paths were rough as well. They can remind us of the power of human potential and the outcome of staying in the game and not giving up. They provide us with fuel and guidance when everyone doubts us. They stand out as shining examples of the possibilities so that we keep on dreaming even bigger.


Having  a role model can be a great source of energy. You may be a child growing up, a businessman wanting to build an empire, a young adult wanting to be a great parent, whatever the case, have a role model to look up to can help you move forward with strength.


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