Convince yourself: You will be fine

After Happiness, there is Sadness

Life is not always a party. It rains, clouds over over the sky and from time to time storms come and pass by. No one is immune from the rhythm of life and it is not something anyone can escape. No matter where you live, how much money you have or what you have become, problems will come and go. After happiness, comes sadness and that is how life is and the one who denies it, is the one who is unhappy.

The problem

It is imperative that we convince ourselves about this reality. Once we are convinced that this is how normal life flows, we can be prepared with tools, techniques and resources in order to cope with and deal with any problem or challenge life throws at us. We can have a close friend to fall back on after a bad day, or have savings in the bank for a rainy day or perhaps learn to let it go when we have a confrontation with someone. 

Whatever the case only if we convince ourselves that life will keep throwing problems at us, can we ever be ready to live beautifully.

A solution

The main limiting belief here is that we think that we cannot cope with bad situations. We may imagine that we cannot deal with a specific failure, or a specific injury, or a specific emergency. We believe that we do not have the resources and the abilities. Changing this mindset, can set us free. It must be understood that all individuals may be hampered by their limiting beliefs and there is nothing inherently weird about having such beliefs.

One simple way is to suggest to yourself, that no matter what happens in life, you have the ability and resources to be fine. Now fine here does not mean one will thrive, it simply means that we will get through it without losing our sanity, our will to live and our will to thrive.

One can use a statement such as 

"No matter what life throws at me, I can get it past it, beautifully. I have all the resources, and abilities in order to deal with any adversity that life throws at me. This realization is my power" 

I suggest reminding yourself this as often as is needed. It may be useful when we are facing future oriented anxiety. It would be great to remind ourselves of this a few times before waking up and/or going to sleep. During difficult moments or anxiety and stress, we can repeat these statements to ourselves as well. How we use such a statement is really up to us. Keep in mind however that it is not 'intended to work like a pill', rather a skill, an art or even exercise. The more you use it, the more you will get better at it and overtime the benefits will start showing. 


Our limiting beliefs keep us from becoming our best self and overcoming such beliefs is not exactly rocket science. It is something that is within the grasp of everyone. by using the power of suggestion in a simple way, we can convince ourselves that no matter what life throws at us, we can get through it.


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