Scams: Law of Attraction and Self Help

The Scam:

Ah, law of attraction and other similar self help scams. So common now on the internet and the self help section of any book store. They have tonnes of money by playing on people's emotions. Tell people its easy and they will buy it! This is the same trick used by fitness product promoters and TV commercials and it has worked well for decades. As soon as you find out that this is not the 'answer to everything', you start seeking the next 'quick or easy fix''. Its a dirty trick and plays on our search for easy answers, the magic pills, and the easy answers.

They say losing weight is as easy as a few minutes on this machine, or getting rich is as easy as visualizing, and before you know it, you have giving out your cash and realized soon enough that this is not the answer you were looking for. So what gives? is this all fake? is law of attraction or the self help motivational books nothing but a waster of time?

Yes and No:

There is a lot one can learn from motivational books, self help guides and even the shady literature on law of attraction. All of these truly do convey useful information, but its hard to decipher where the good information ends and scam begins. Very often, there is perfectly good information inside, but we misuse it. So what does one do?

Be disciplined and know your values:

All the law of attraction/self help books have truly valuable information, but its only valuable when we stick to it over a long period of time. We remind ourselves of the lessons and keep on doing what we decided and not give up when we do not see immediately results. This is the discipline you require.

If a dodgy book on Law of attraction says that you need to believe in yourself, that is actually not bad advice. If a book says that you need to get up and act to get what you want, once again, that is not bad advice. If the book says, you pray and that is all you really need STOP, that is just not common sense. Therefore you need to have a value system to fall back on to know what you are reading or being told is true or not and the most important value and belief to hold is that there is no 'magic pill' that can make all your dreams come true.

What does it all mean?

Everyone will be trying to sell you something all your lives, it is up to you to decide whether you want to buy it or not, however discipline and a sense of strict values and belief will help you decipher what you are seeing, reading, hearing is true and worth your time/money or not. Often you will be right.

And what to do regarding all the self help information you already learned? i suggest you make notes, refer to them all the time as reminders and for motivation and at the end USE IT!


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