Resilience in today's business world

Resilience is a concept almost synonymous with positive psychology and I feel it is important to discuss resilience, given the Covid-19 environment we are in right now.

Resilience is of course the ability to bounce back from adversity. Putting yourself together and rising up, after one has fallen down. Resilience is considered an essential quality for soldiers on the battlefield, sports teams, individuals as well as businesses. The reason for this is simple, adversity is inevitable.

It is inevitable that a business, organization, individual entrepreneur, or even a non-profit, will through a period of adversity. This adversity can take many forms. It could be due to legislation that changes the industry completely, it could be due to intense competition, a natural disaster perhaps or a macroeconomic situation. It can also be internal, eg a PR error by the CEO, an accounting scandal, and on. Whatever industry one is in, no matter how big or small the business, adversity and hard times will come.

We know that self-made entrepreneurs are resilient as over time they have gained experience in managing adversity. This personal resilience translates into business resilience as well. However, experience alone cannot be considered a factor. For a business, there are I believe two things one should be able to work on

1-Management Mindset/readiness: I believe the management team itself must and should be dedicated enough to ensure that they truly strive to get the business through a difficult period. This is easier for family or one-man-show businesses, not so much for corporations where the upper management may start to leave 'for personal reasons' around the time the stock price is tanking. This dedication can be built through eg making sure their wealth is directly tied to the company (significant shareholding), as well as a sense of togetherness within the organization (perhaps like the traditional Japanese businesses). Apart from that, the management team must also be positive and proactive, in a way that the feeling trickles down to the whole organization. Only then will everyone be able to be resilient, move forward, innovate, and strive for significant action in the right direction.
I also believe continuously working and reflecting on their own plans, skills, and mindset, even during a less turbulent period may prepare the management team for bad times. Many large companies do prepare for all eventualities, stress tests, and contingency plans. Readiness is key

2-Business model: Inspired by the writing of Warren Buffet, the business itself should be resilient. The business should be such that the company has healthy cash flows, good and dedicated management, and perhaps even essential. Many businesses may grow quickly but perhaps due to reliance on one client, cheap finance or one technology, find themselves in trouble when things get difficult. A good healthy business, I feel, makes for a very resilient business.
Probability of success and failure during a crisis, such as Covif-19 cannot be fully controlled, but it can be managed. I discussed just two basic points that are essential for resilience and if I was to sum it up it one word, then that would be to remain 'prepared'. Make all decisions while being mindful that things will get bad, sooner or later. Prepare accordingly so that when there is a crisis, the business is ready to face it head-on and come out the other way better than before.

Umair Usman is a Rapid Transformational Therapy Practitioner, a businessperson, and a blogger. You can know more about him at To book a free consultancy session, please fill the form


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