What to eat?

The Instagram fueled modern times of ours has lead to so many fad diets that it's hard to keep count. From Atkins and Keto to Vegan and even raw food, there is so much misleading information out there and people are so hungry for a quick fix, as well as for validation and acceptance, that most have tried at least one of these.

The reality, however, is not that different from the early days of the exercise machine fad. Since the 80s late-night commercials have promised us the holy grail of fitness by selling us some cheap plastic exercise machine. Those days are well behind us as most have realized that the answer to fitness has been all around us. The bottom line was that there is no easy or painless way to health and everyone's path truly differs.

The same goes for food. There truly is no holy grail where one can follow a diet and achieve glowing skin, muscular strength, excellent mood, and longevity. Even reading this sentence makes it obvious how diets have sold to us like snake oil salesmen sell, well, oil. A perfect diet is varied, colorful, heavy on greens but also has sufficient carb, protein, and fiber. 

The perfect diet may change from time to time depending on age, sex, short term goals, life changes, availability of food. However, the basics remain the same. The human body requires nutrition (macro and micro) and it can come from multiple sources. This is plain old science. 

Also, like exercise, the variables are so any that everyone will find a perfect diet for them.
We have searched for the holy grail for centuries, every time ending up knowing the truth is always in balance, common sense and continuous growth.

Umair Usman is a Rapid Transformational Therapy practitioner, a businessperson, and a blogger. You can know more about him at https://buff.ly/2zmc9rj #weightloss #healthandfitness #RTT #performance #goals #consultancy 


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