What they don't tell you

We have fitness programs all over the internet as well as a course to help you improve life. For a small fee, you can be in the best shape possible, achieve brilliant time management and even maybe get over procrastination. However, the idea, that like a pill, you can pay for a self-help book or an online program to change everything, well, is a bit misleading.

This is because knowledge is great and so is a fitness course, gym membership, or a health retreat, but unless you apply it, make it a part of your life, it's not gonna do much. At least not for long. To create a change of behavior, we need to put continuous ongoing effort into whatever it is we want to achieve. We have to remain conscious, or mindful, of what it is we want and what we need to do to make it happen. Doing something once, or learning something on a new course, alone cannot change your life forever. This is why Self-help books, courses, etc, all give one short term results.
Contrast this with corporate training programs that teach skills and their application on a daily basis, and tend to have longer-lasting results. Corporate programs are not marketed to employees as 'magic pills' and everyone going through training knows that they need to apply it and make it a habit. This is also why people tend to go for life long learning and training opportunities to upgrade their skills and refresh old ones.

So if you take a diet course and understand all the ways to help you become healthy, it is up to you to turn into a practice, so much so that it may eventually become a daily habit. Ensuring you eat the right things and move enough, every single day. This practice, this effort, is life long. You may fall off your goals, objectives every now and then, Remaining conscious of what you wanted and knowing that continuous effort is required for any goal, means you will get back on track sooner or later.

Continous, conscious effort, to achieve what you want, perhaps even for life, is the key to life long change.

Umair Usman is a Rapid Transformational Therapy practitioner, a businessperson, and a blogger. You can know more about him at https://buff.ly/2zmc9rj . To book a free consultancy session, please fill the form https://tinyurl.com/y6n2vv8w
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