Role of Positive Psychological Factors in the business environment

Below is an abstract of the paper I wrote for "Telling the story of business: story-driven research in entrepreneurship, business, and marketing", held at the University of South Wales in January 2020. 


A Narrative Inquiry into the role of psychological factors in helping a Pakistani Family Business owner-manager, navigate turbulent market conditions


By Umair Usman,
Usman Carpet House,
Lahore, Pakistan

This is an ethnographic narrative inquiry to identify the psychological factors that helped my father, a Pakistan family business owner-manager, through the great recession of 2006/2007. The study is retrospective in nature where I discuss my time, as a part of the family business during this period we experienced. I recall what I observed, and experienced, were psychological and mental factors that were inherent in my father and supported him through this catastrophic event. The study highlights the importance of psychological strength in a Pakistani family business setting, through the perspective of a family business member rather than a removed researcher. The findings are immensely important for entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial training. The study calls for further longitudinal studies in various business settings to further the understanding of the psychology of a successful entrepreneur in today’s complex and uncertain business world.


Umair Usman is a Rapid Transformational Therapy practitioner, a businessperson, and a blogger. You can know more about him at . To book a free consultancy session, please fill the form


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