Burning out

Everyone has experienced burnout at least once in their life. Taking on stress for long periods of time will eventually lead to collapse, physically as well as mentally.

Burnout is now gaining more recognition among practitioners, however, it remains somewhat taboo in high-performance settings such as Top universities or investment banks. One's capacity to go the extra mile, after all, is expected when competing against the best in the world. However, there is one area where Burnout has been recognized and dealt with effectively for years. Sports.

Coaches and sports psychologists have worked with burned-out athletes for decades. After all, Athletes are expecting to eat great, sleep well and rest enough to ensure they can achieve peak performance. Burnout is now recognized among sports and is one of the things coaches consider.

The easiest and best way to overcome burnout is of course rest. Regardless of the stress being mental or physical, going on a vacation or relaxing with a book for long periods of time is the best way to overcome burnout.

Recognizing burnout and dealing with it in various areas of life will only improve productivity. Playing at a high level is good, but playing at a high level for the long run is even better.

Umair Usman is a Rapid Transformational Therapy practitioner, a businessperson, and a blogger. You can know more about him at https://buff.ly/2zmc9rj  #weightloss #healthandfitness #RTT #performance #goals #consultancy 


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