Why be Perfect, when you can be Happy

We are continuously bombarded by images of perfect people all around us. The perfect Supermodel ,Gigi Hadid, who never seems to get fat no matter what she eats. The perfect business person, Jeff Bezos, who seems to be able to grow his net worth almost effortlessly. Then there are the social media personalities. Influencers who give the apparence of recording their everyday lives, yet they seem to be always travelling, always eating great food and always looking great. At at the same time, our brains seem to focus on ‘perfection’. We have a friend who seems to never study but always get the best marks in school. We all have a friend who enjoys to eat but always remains skinny. We all have a couple of friend who’s life seems perfect. Yet the reality is that perfection simply doesnt exist. There is no one who has the perfect life. There is no one who has not been through depression, axniety, or even failure of some sort. This is something we know intutively, yet chose to...