Clarifying the problem

To change and improve, it is necessary to identify the problem. If a problem is left unidentified or unacknowledged, there is little one can do about improving a situation. There maybe a lingering feeling of 'incompleteness' or 'urgency' but no direction to work on and no plan to implement.


Clarity of purpose by identifying a problem is therefore necessary. This is not something that is workable only for helping one improve oneself, or in any therapeutic setting, it is, in fact, the very essence of life itself. Identifying issues is necessary to improve everything from problems with ones exercise regimen or one's beliefs, to asserting quality governance in an organization to cutting costs in a company.

Without clarity of the problem and issues at hand, one may simply take a haphazard effort of correcting whatever 'seems' to be the issue. More often than not this may make one attempt what is already being done, or what is easy, rather than what needs to be done.

It is also important to distinguish the problem from the symptom. Maladaptive thoughts may actually be a sign of a core belief held since childhood while a pain in the neck may be a symptoms of a nutritional deficiency. Whatever the case, even though a symptom can prove immediate and often necessary relief, unless the problem is not dealt with at the root, problems will linger on and manifest in other ways


When working with someone, it is essential to get constant feedback about their problems and dig deeper. The reason is that many times someone in trouble or distress is not aware what the problem is itself and therefore not even decide a clear goal. In fact, consulting even a friend or a confidant is good practice when one is dealing with their own problems. It can often clarify issues and even help seeing a new perspective that was not considered earlier.

In conclusion it is safe to say, that clarifying issues, problems is the first and the most important step in seeking solutions to problems. Although it is well known in the therapeutic world, often we forget this in everyday life. One does not always need to go see a counselor after all, having simple tools can go a long way in ensuring a smooth and productive life.


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